Redfish Flies

Crazy Charlie, Pink

Crazy Charlie, Pink

The Crazy Charlie is the classic flats fly. It is useful in a variety of situations and works on almost every thing that cruises the flats and is also useful in freshwater for sightfishing to carp.

Clouser Deep Minnow, Red-White

Clouser Deep Minnow, Red-White

This classic saltwater fly also known as a Clouser Minnow is probably the most popular saltwater pattern in the world. The Clouser Deep Minnow, Red-White is effective on nearly every predatory saltwater species. It is especially useful for stripers, bluefish, bonefish, redfish, snook, seatrout, and many others. It has also become a very popular freshwater streamer pattern. Every fly fisher should carry an array of sizes and colors to be ready for anything.

Crazy Charlie, Gold

Crazy Charlie, Gold

The Crazy Charlie is the classic flats fly. It is useful in a variety of situations and works on almost every thing that cruises the flats and is also useful in freshwater for sightfishing to carp.

Clouser Deep Minnow, Brown-Green

Clouser Deep Minnow, Brown-Green

This classic saltwater fly also known as a Clouser Minnow is probably the most popular saltwater pattern in the world. It is effective on nearly every predatory saltwater species. Clouser Deep Minnow, Brown-Green is especially useful for stripers, bluefish, bonefish, redfish, snook, seatrout, and many others. It has also become a very popular freshwater streamer pattern. Every fly fisher should carry an array of sizes and colors to be ready for anything.

Clouser Deep Minnow, Olive-White

Clouser Deep Minnow, Olive-White

This classic saltwater fly also known as a Clouser Minnow is probably the most popular saltwater pattern in the world. It is effective on nearly every predatory saltwater species. The Clouser Deep Minnow, Olive-White is especially useful for stripers, bluefish, bonefish, redfish, snook, seatrout, and many others. It has also become a very popular freshwater streamer pattern. Every fly fisher should carry an array of sizes and colors to be ready for anything.

Clouser Deep Minnow, Blue-White

Clouser Deep Minnow, Blue-White

This classic saltwater fly also known as a Clouser Minnow is probably the most popular saltwater pattern in the world. The Clouser Deep Minnow, Blue-White is effective on nearly every predatory saltwater species. The Clouser Minnow is especially useful for stripers, bluefish, bonefish, redfish, snook, seatrout, and many others. It has also become a very popular freshwater streamer pattern. Every fly fisher should carry an array of sizes and colors to be ready for anything.

Crazy Charlie, Tan

Crazy Charlie, Tan

The Crazy Charlie is the classic flats fly. The Charlie is useful in a variety of situations and works on almost every thing that cruises the flats and is also useful in freshwater for sightfishing to carp.

Crazy Charlie, Yellow-Chartreuse

Crazy Charlie, Yellow-Chartreuse

This is the classic flats fly. It is useful in a variety of situations and works on almost every thing that cruises the flats and is also useful in freshwater for sightfishing to carp.

Deceiver, Cockroach

Deceiver, Cockroach

The Deceiver Fly is a classic saltwater baitfish streamer popularized by Lefty Kreh has caught fish for years and continues to produce all around the world. This Cockroach Deceiver fly is a muti-purpose baitfish pattern that has proven effective on almost any saltwater species. Several colors and sizes should be in every fly box even for those anglers going after some of the more predatory freshwater species.

Clouser Deep Minnow, Chartreuse-Yellow

Clouser Deep Minnow, Chartreuse-Yellow

This classic saltwater fly also known as a Clouser Minnow is probably the most popular saltwater pattern in the world. The Clouser Deep Minnow, Chartreuse-Yellow is effective on nearly every predatory saltwater species. It is especially useful for stripers, bluefish, bonefish, redfish, snook, seatrout, and many others. It has also become a very popular freshwater streamer pattern. Every fly fisher should carry an array of sizes and colors to be ready for anything.

Crazy Charlie, Orange

Crazy Charlie, Orange

This is the classic flats fly. It is useful in a variety of situations and works on almost every thing that cruises the flats and is also useful in freshwater for sightfishing to carp.

Clouser Deep Minnow, Pink-White

Clouser Deep Minnow, Pink-White

The Clouser Minnow is one of the most versatile streamer patterns in the world. Mostly known as a saltwater pattern, the effective Clousers have become very popular with freshwater anglers as well. Nearly every predatory species will take a Clouser Minnow and everyone should carry an array of sizes and colors to be ready for anything.

Crazy Charlie, Yellow

Crazy Charlie, Yellow

This is the classic flats fly. The Yellow Crazy Charlie Fly is useful in a variety of situations and works on almost every thing that cruises the flats and is also useful in freshwater for sightfishing to carp.

Clouser Deep Minnow, Golden Shiner

Clouser Deep Minnow, Golden Shiner

This classic saltwater fly also known as a Clouser Minnow is probably the most popular saltwater pattern in the world. The Golden Shiner Clouser Deep Minnow is effective on nearly every predatory saltwater species. It is especially useful for stripers, bluefish, bonefish, redfish, snook, seatrout, and many others. The Clouser Minnow has also become a very popular freshwater streamer pattern. Every fly fisher should carry an array of sizes and colors to be ready for anything.



The Cockroach Fly is a classic tarpon pattern that is effective in a variety of situations especially when visibility is good and more subdued colors are preferred for your tarpon fly.

Clouser Deep Minnow, Silver Shiner

Clouser Deep Minnow, Silver Shiner

This classic saltwater fly also known as a Clouser Minnow is probably the most popular saltwater pattern in the world. It is effective on nearly every predatory saltwater species. The Clouser Deep Minnow, Silver Shiner is especially useful for stripers, bluefish, bonefish, redfish, snook, seatrout, and many others. It has also become a very popular freshwater streamer pattern. Every fly fisher should carry an array of sizes and colors to be ready for anything.

Clouser Deep Minnow, Tan-White

Clouser Deep Minnow, Tan-White

The Clouser Minnow is one of the most versatile streamer patterns in the world. Mostly known as a saltwater pattern, Clousers have become very popular with freshwater anglers as well. Nearly every predatory species will take a Clouser Minnow and every angler should have at least one of the many colors in their fly box.

Clouser Deep Minnow, Black

Clouser Deep Minnow, Black

This classic saltwater fly is probably the most popular saltwater pattern in the world. The Black Clouser Deep Minnow is effective on nearly every predatory saltwater species. It is especially useful for stripers, bluefish, bonefish, redfish, snook, seatrout, and many others. It has also become a very popular freshwater streamer pattern. Every fly fisher should carry an array of sizes and colors of Clouser Minnows to be ready for anything.

Clouser Deep Minnow, Chartreuse-White

Clouser Deep Minnow, Chartreuse-White

This classic saltwater fly also known as a Clouser Minnow is probably the most popular saltwater pattern in the world. Nearly every predatory saltwater species will take a Clouser. Minnows are especially useful for stripers, bluefish, bonefish, redfish, snook, seatrout, and many others. The Clouser Deep Minnow, Chartreuse-White has also become a very popular freshwater streamer pattern. Every fly fisher should carry an array of sizes and colors to be ready for anything.

fly fishing outdoors sports bass fishing water sports freshwater fishing fishing fishing gear