Blue Winged Olive, Para Wulff
No one can argue the success of Parachute flies but this fly is an upgraded version of the popular style. The horizontal hackle and the split tail gives the fly a more realistic profile on the water and by adding two split "Wulff" style wings the Para Wulff Blue Wing Olive is one of the easiest patterns to see on the water. The flashy Mylar rib adds a lifelike segmenting that grabs attention and imitates gas bubbles of emerging insects like Mayflies and Midges. These features together make this a fly fish can't pass up.
Chubby Chernobyl Black
The Chubby Chernobyl is the most known large dry fly world wide. This Black Chubby Chernobyl has great floatabilty, making it perfect for hanging a dropper underneath. The dubbed body and wing on top are perfect for soaking in floatant. The legs splay out perfectly to give that buggy look we all shoot for when tying up!
Blue Winged Olive, Sparkle Dun, Baetis/Olive
The Blue Winged Olive Sparkle Dunis a versitile pattern that imitates emerging or crippled mayfly duns. Fish will often key specifically on Mayflies in this vulnerable stage. Guides and avid dry fly anglers have made the Baetis Sparkle Dun one of the best selling BWO patterns around.
Green Drake, Carnage, Trina's
The Carnage Green Drake dry fly is one of the most realistic Drake patterns available. The perfectly tapered extended foam body along with an exquisite tail and super fine legs match a Green Drake exactly. The parachute hackle makes it float upright with a low profile. This closely matches the mayfly duns on the water and makes the fly extremely easy to see. These features make it one of the best patterns for flat water and selective fish. The Carnage Drake will work on almost any water and is a must have pattern. Green Drake Emergers and Duns are easy to catch and have a tremendous food value. This makes big fish feed when Drakes are around. Anglers eagerly await the first signs of hatching Drakes and often travel great distances to fish the famous hatch.
Foamulator, Yellow
The combination of crystal dubbing, high floating foam, rubber legs, hackle, elk hair and a flashy underwing make the Yellow Foamulator come to life. The addition of foam and other synthetics have improved the Stimulator profile and made it buoyant and very durable. Foamulators are very effective when there are Stoneflies or Grasshoppers around and have quickly become one of the most popular all around attractor patterns.
Ant, Chernobyl, Brown-Gold
Ever since the effective Chernobyl was introduced it has greatly influenced the development of many new fly patterns. The durability and buoyancy of foam has made it one of the more popular materials used in flies today. The Brown/Gold Chernobyl Ant is a newer color combinations that has become one of the most effective all around attractor patterns. The deadly combination of a brown foam top and a gold foam belly has a buggy look that will match a number of insects that fish commonly feed on. The segmented body along with multiple lifelike rubber legs give the fly a silhouette that fish find hard to refuse. All of these features together make this a pattern you do not want to be without.
Green Drake, Fanwing
The green drake hatch is the largest and most desired hatch by many fly anglers. Some who have tangled with the big bruisers are said to be afflicted with Green Drake Mania - an incurable disease. If someone tells you the green drakes are hatching, drop everything and run to the river with Green Drake, Fanwing flies in your fly box. Big, visible mayflies attract big, hungry trout. The potential is always for the best day of fly fishing you'll ever have.
Gypsy King, Variant-Stone
This Gypsy King, Variant-Stone fly uses a simple but very effective approach of tieing hackle over the top of the foam body to give the fly CRAZY ACTION when viewed from underneath. It makes a deadly Stonefly, Hopper, Cricket, and about 100 other tasty treats. We love to fish the Gypsy King for a lot of different applications. It is a unique fly and it just seems to "get 'em!"
Gypsy King, Variant-Blue
This Gypsy King, Variant-Blue fly uses a simple but very effective approach of tieing hackle over the top of the foam body to give the fly CRAZY ACTION when viewed from underneath. It makes a deadly Stonefly, Hopper, Cricket, and about 100 other tasty treats. We love to fish the Gypsy King for a lot of different applications. It is a unique fly and it just seems to "get 'em!"
Gypsy King, Variant-Pink
We are always searching for the best big dry fly patterns, a few years ago we happened upon this fly. It was adopted from a few simple philosophy that CATCH's Britten Jay had been using to tie his dry flies. This fly uses a simple but very effective approach of tieing hackle over the top of the foam body to give the fly CRAZY ACTION when viewed from underneath. It makes a deadly Stonefly, Hopper, Cricket, and about 100 other tasty treats. We love to fish the Gypsy King for a lot of different applications. It is a unique fly and it just seems to "get 'em!"
Green Drake, Sparkle Dun
Similar to the Comparadun, this Sparkle Dun Green Drake pattern covers the stage of a mayfly hatch just before complete emergence of the dun. At this vulnerable stage mayflies are irresistable to rising trout. Every angler should carry these flies in appropriate sizes and colors for fishing the beginning stages of mayfly hatches.
Adams, Para Wulff
No one can argue the success of the famous Parachute Adams but this fly is an upgraded version of the popular pattern. By adding split Wulff style wings this fly is even more visible on the water. The split tail gives the fly a more realistic profile and the flashy mylar rib adds a lifelike segmenting that fish can't pass up. The Parawulff Adams is often used as a Mayfly but is one of the top producing attractor flies sold. This pattern will catch fish anywhere in the world and is a must have dry fly. Every angler should always have stock of a variety of sizes of this versatile fly pattern.
Golden Stonefly, Bullet Head, Adult
The Bullet Head Adult Golden Stonefly has the exact profile of a female golden stone. The deer hair bullet head, foam egg sack and foam under body make this fly float exceptionally well. The silicon rubber legs give this fly movement and a buggy silhouette. The wing color closely matches a live stonefly and makes this fly easy to track on the water. Because stoneflies are an easy meal with excellent food value they will pull even the largest fish out of there hiding places. This pattern is also used as a grasshopper and works as a general attractor most anywhere.
Adams, Irresistible
The Irresistible Adams is a variation of the classic Adams dry fly. It has a clipped deer hair body which gives this dry fly extra buoyancy and makes it easy to see on the water. It works as both a mayfly or midge imitation in rivers and lakes and is very effective in fast pocket water. The Irreststible Adams continues to be among the top multi-purpose dry flies available today.
Gypsy King, Variant-Purple
This Gypsy King, Variant-Purple fly uses a simple but very effective approach of tieing hackle over the top of the foam body to give the fly CRAZY ACTION when viewed from underneath. It makes a deadly Stonefly, Hopper, Cricket, and about 100 other tasty treats. We love to fish the Gypsy King for a lot of different applications. It is a unique fly and it just seems to "get 'em!"
Chubby Chernobyl, Purple
The Chubby Chernobyl is the most known large dry fly world wide. This Purple Chubby Chernobyl has great floatabilty, making it perfect for hanging a dropper underneath. The dubbed body and wing on top are perfect for soaking in floatant. The legs splay out perfectly to give that buggy look we all shoot for when tying up!
Chubby Chernobyl, UV Tan
The Chubby Chernobyl is the most known large dry fly world wide. This UV Tan Chubby Chernobyl has great floatabilty, making it perfect for hanging a dropper underneath. The dubbed body and wing on top are perfect for soaking in floatant. The legs splay out perfectly to give that buggy look we all shoot for when tying up!
Carnage Attractor, Tan, Trina's
The Tan Carnage Attractor dry fly is one of the most versatile patterns available. The tapered foam extended body along with an elk hair tail, fine silicon rubber legs, and a foam textured etha wing match a variety of insects and make this fly buggy. The parachute hackle makes it float upright and the two tone parachute will stand out in any condition. The Carnage Attractor will work on almost any water and is a must have pattern. It will imitate Golden Stoneflies, Hoppers, Mayflies, large Caddis and many other items fish love to eat. Trout, Panfish and most freshwater fish find the Carnage Attractors hard to refuse.
Green Drake, Wulff
This fly is more attractive to trout because the hook is hidden by the larger fly body. The Wulff Green Drake is designed to provide buoyancy and balance on the water. Trout often seem to prefer the more even and realistic ride provided by the clipped hackle.
Gypsy King, Variant-Orange
This Gypsy King, Variant-Orange fly uses a simple but very effective approach of tieing hackle over the top of the foam body to give the fly CRAZY ACTION when viewed from underneath. It makes a deadly Stonefly, Hopper, Cricket, and about 100 other tasty treats. We love to fish the Gypsy King for a lot of different applications. It is a unique fly and it just seems to "get 'em!"
Gray Drake, Sparkle Dun
Similar to the Comparadun, the Sparkle Gray Drake pattern covers the stage of a mayfly hatch just before complete emergence of the dun. At this vulnerable stage mayflies are irresistable to rising trout. Every angler should carry these flies in appropriate sizes and colors for fishing the beginning stages of mayfly hatches.
Foamulator, Golden
The combination of crystal dubbing, high floating foam, rubber legs, hackle, elk hair and a flashy underwing make the Golden Foamulator come to life. The addition of foam and other synthetics have improved the Stimulator profile and made it buoyant and very durable. Foamulators are very effective when there are Stoneflies or Grasshoppers around and have quickly become one of the most popular all around attractor patterns.
Ant, Chernobyl
The Chernobyl Ant is an improbable foam and rubber creation that simply works. Fish may take it for a cricket or beetle or may simply see something that looks tasty. This is a fantastic big trout fly when nothing else seems to work and is always fun to fish.
Ant, Chernobyl , South Fork, Tan
The South Fork Chernobyl Ant Fly has the newer more realistic materials which give it a buggy look that fish can't pass up. This high floating, durable pattern imitates stoneflies, crickets, beetles, grasshoppers, and simply looks like a tasty meal. This is a fantastic fly that will bring big fish up in conditions where nothing else seems to work. This color combination was developed in Idaho for the South Fork of the Snake River but quickly became a top attractor pattern that works all over the world.
Brown Haze
Andy Carlson, a fly fishing guide on the Bitterroot River in Montana originated the Purple Haze fly pattern. The Brown Haze is a variation of the original with less purple in the pattern and more natural coloriton. This has been a very effective pattern in Montana and has become a popular dry fly in general. It is used to match Blue Wing Olives, Mahogany Duns, March Browns, Green Drakes, and Tricos.
Foamulator, Olive
The combination of crystal dubbing, high floating foam, rubber legs, hackle, elk hair and a flashy underwing make the Olive Foamulator come to life. The addition of foam and other synthetics have improved the Stimulator profile and made it buoyant and very durable. Foamulators are very effective when there are Stoneflies or Grasshoppers around and have quickly become one of the most popular all around attractor patterns.
Flexi-Girdle Bug, Adult, Brown
Need to attract a fish's attention? The Flexi Rubber Leg Girdle Bug is your dry fly. This multi-legged creature of a terrestrial fly attracts more attention than a Hollywood star out on the town. Fish this fly any time you need to pull big fish up from the bottom, or use it to float a heavy dropper fly in a dry-dropper rig.
Green Drake, Parachute
This Parachute Green Drake dry fly is very visible to the fly fisher and very realistic to rising trout. It closely resembles a hatching Green Drake Duns and lands upright more often than some other traditionally hackled trout fly patterns. Big fish key on Green Drakes and the visibility of this fly lets the angler cast it into nearly any type of water where the big boys might be lurking.
Adams, Female
The inventive Female Adams has a yellow tag that was designed to imitate the developing egg sack on a maturing female mayfly. The female adams bright color also boosts the attractive properties of this versatile dry fly. Fly fishermen all over the world should reserve a spot for this variation of the classic Adams in their trout fly box.
Fat Albert, Chernobyl Ant, Tan
Is it a grasshopper? Is it a cricket? Who knows, but what we do know is that the Tan Fat Albert catches fish. This girthy all-purpose terrestrial fly is a favorite on big Western rivers and small creeks alike. Fish simply can't resist a fly with a little meat on it.